12.1 View current license status
From the Configuration category, select the Licensing workflow to view current license status.
You can also launch this workflow from the Configuration Settings section of the More category in the MyID Operator Client. See the Using Configuration Settings workflows section in the MyID Operator Client guide for details.
- Current License is displayed as Initial License until you have generated license requests, and received and installed your licenses.
- Company Name and Company Location are required information when you generate a license request and will display appropriate information when you have installed the licenses.
- Current No. of Licenses is the total number of current user accounts or credentials you can have. For example, 100.
Current No. of Users is the number of current user accounts you have (the number created minus the number deleted). The maximum number is also displayed. This is not the number of users currently logged on to the system. For example, 25 / 100 means that you have 25 users out of a maximum of 100.
As long as the first number is lower than the second number, you can add more users.
Current No. of Credentials is the number of issued credentials. The maximum number is also displayed. This does not include any credentials that have been requested but not yet collected.
As long as the first number is lower than the second number, you can request more credentials.
Note: Under certain circumstances, you can request a number of credentials that will take you not just up to, but over, the license limit. End-users will still be able to collect these requested credentials; however, you must request more licenses as soon as possible, as once the number of issued credentials exceeds your license limit, you will be unable to request any more.
No. of Pending Requests is the number of credentials that you have requested, but have not yet been collected.
Note: This is not a real-time count. The number of pending requests is recalculated every two hours.
- Warning Limit is the number of users or credentials that must be reached for a warning email message to be triggered.
- Warning Email Address is the email address that will receive an automatically generated license warning email.
- Expiry Date is the date your current license expires.
Type is the type of license; for example, Standard or Evaluation Only.
If you have additional license features installed, they are listed on this page.
From this page, you can:
- Request more licenses – see section 12.2, Requesting licenses.
- Install received license information – see section 12.3, Installing license details.
- Update Warning messages – see section 12.4, Updating warning messages.